"Olympic Gold"


"Olympic Gold"

Sale Price:$8.00 Original Price:$12.00

Digital Download - 14 tracks

Works best with laptop or desktop computers (avoid tablets or mobile devices)

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This album features some of the most reliable names in independent hip hop: Lyrics Born, Mr. Lif, Akrobatik, Edo. G and Gift of Gab all make appearances on the CD, while the lyrics, beats and overall quality on all 14 songs is undeniable!

No matter who you are and what styles of music you like, Kabir's 5th album "Olympic Gold" has something for everyone: fresh, intelligent lyrics, pulsating beats, amazing guest features, and a huge variety of instrumental content. The album blazes new trails for the future of hip hop, with a tasteful fusion of rap, funk, soul and rock that is ear candy for its listeners.....bang it in your car with your crew, play it for your grandma, or bump it at your kid's birthday party - it has universal appeal! "Olympic Gold" is the ultimate holiday gift and I recommend it whole-heartedly!

-Rap Reviews (Amazon.com)